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Monday, 9 March 2020

Another year, another women's day

Happy Women's day to all the women out there. 
We - the current generation of this world, belong to a society that has a history of writing histories. We may be a part of an accident cult, a peace-loving community, a goal driven crusade, a truth seeking culture or the sanatan dharm. But, we all have a similarity that is unnoticed to none. We are all part of a lineage that finds solace in sexual polarity and gender-based inequalities. All our societies have : 
a man that by every passing day, is transforming more and more into Super Man, (in his own praise-laden words), and
a woman that by all means is represented by analogies that show her in weak light, keeping here tied in the shackles of the second-sex.

Every year, if we are aware, we can see a whole new colour to people's personality, around us. Based on the observations of the past years, I can proudly say that I am in acquaintance with women who have shown their capacity in every segment of life that an average student witnesses. I see them leading from the front when it comes to : 
teaching a class, 
silencing a mass,
truth striving,
commencing a protest,
displaying detest,
sexist abuses,
rational excuses,
killing a gossip spree,
letting live literature's tree,
being the moral compass,
picking the bit of sass,
seeing the winter come,
emptying stacks of rum,
defying threats of COVID 19,
being ever ready for the unforseen,
having the back of family,
living the days all happily.
So I wish a very happy women's day to all women, all kinds of women. 
You all are the Super Women, which even Shaw could not perceive. 
Thank you for making this world, a less chaotic mess.
                     - Sukhdev.

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